If you knew all the answers, you would not be undecided. The simple solution to indecision, therefore, is to go in search of answers. But just where should we go, and who should we confide in when we need to make an all-important decision?

On the one hand, Scripture tells us that . . .
'Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.' (Proverbs 15:22)
On the other hand, the Word of God presents us with an ominous warning -
'Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.' (Psalm 146:3-4)
So while there might times when we will feel the need to seek guidance, counsel and support from trusted friends and family, we should always prayerfully submit our plans and thoughts to God - for . . .
'The LORD Almighty [is] wonderful in counsel and magnificent in wisdom.' (Isaiah 28:29, NIV)
If you are undecided, therefore, you can have absolute confidence that God is willing and able to guide you.
"How," you ask, "will God guide me?"
Sometimes God impresses people - He simply casts a thought across the mind and, together with the thought, He usually sends strong conviction.
Very often, God will confirm the thought, or supply an answer through His word - for His word constitutes an infinite supply of right answers that cover every aspect of life.
If you are not already in the habit of reading Scripture on a daily basis, we urge you to present your problems to God in prayer. Then make every effort to consider the wisdom that is found in the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes before you make a final decision.
It is with utmost confidence that we commit you into the hands of our All-wise God. He will give you the right answers. They might not always be the answers that you are hoping to hear, but they will always be the correct answers.
Take care. God cares about you. He is your ever-present guide and counselor.
'Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them - the LORD, who remains faithful forever.' (Psalm 146:5-6, NIV)

Because life is a never-ending round of decisions, God has given us His word to help us to make right decisions. Thus we can fortify our minds, and secure our tomorrows, by "plugging in" to the word of God on a daily basis. A simple, practical Bible Study programme is presented in the Home-Page feature - A Brand New You.
In the light of what is stated above, we would also like to refer the reader to the features - Needing Wisdom? and When Answers Don't Come
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