As tough as your present circumstances may be, we can guarantee you that in the years ahead circumstances will change, and you will one day look back on this moment and be very thankful that you never ended your life . . .

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'Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, My Saviour and My God.' (Psalm 43:5)
First of all, I want to assure you that God loves you with a love that knows no bounds. Because He loves you, and because He is looking forward to spending eternity with you, He gave His Son to die for you.
But He saw that we needed this earthly life to serve as a training ground, to prepare us for the world beyond. So do not give up because of your present circumstances - for they are simply obstacles that are going to make you a stronger and better person.
In fact, your present circumstances could one day prove to be the greatest blessing of your life.
Friend, precious friend, we all have trials, we all have sorrows, we all have heartaches, but try and look beyond the present to that future moment when time will have healed your wounds - for time will surely heal your wounds.
At that time you might be surrounded with children and grandchildren, at that time you might be surrounded by circumstances just the opposite to those that are presently causing you pain, at that time you might just have such an appreciation for life that you will wonder how you ever contemplated cutting short your chapter on earth.
This is is how it has been for countless others who once contemplated suicide - and this is how it will be for you. . .
Right now your mind is filled with cares and concerns, you feel that there is no hope - but there is. Now is the time to fill your mind with encouraging thoughts, with hope-giving truths, with life-giving light, and you will be amazed at how your feelings of despair will subside. I say this with confidence because I have experienced what you are experiencing right now - and God reached down and pulled me out of the dark pit into which I had fallen. I was not thankful for life back then, I am now. I was fearful of the future back then, I am enthusiastic about the future now. Back then I never thought that my feelings would change - but they have. . .
And your circumstances will change - I promise you, they will. All I want you to do right now is CLICK HERE and get to know your best Friend - your very best Friend. He will be your ever-present companion from now until eternity. Go on - just CLICK HERE and light will come back to your life within moments.
Please do not consider for one moment that God is a cold, judgmental being. He is a kind Father, a wonderful Friend, a gracious King. He is running towards you, right now, His arms are wide open to welcome you into His warm embrace. I give you the absolute guarantee that your heavenly Father will work out your problems and bring you into the light of a brand new day.
No matter who you are, no matter what you have done, no matter what your present circumstances - Jesus has made a way for you to live forever in a universe that will be free from sorrow and heartache and trial. His shed blood is His guarantee to you that He will love you and be your Friend forever. Clasp his warm hand right now. Pray to Him right now. And those dark clouds will start lifting right now.
CLICK HERE RIGHT NOW - and spend a little time with a real friend who knows how to heal your every wound.
If you are troubled by depression, please click here
If your trials seem to heavy to bear - please click here
If you are heartbroken, please click here
If you feel that nobody cares about you, please click here
If you are worried about something, please click here
If you feel that there is no hope, please click here
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