'However imperfect and sinful we may be, the Lord holds out to us the offer of partnership with Himself, of apprenticeship to Jesus.' (DA297)
'Today He is standing at the altar of mercy, presenting before God the prayers of those who desire His help. He turns no weeping, contrite one away. Freely will He pardon all who come to Him for forgiveness and restoration. He does not tell to any all that He might reveal, but He bids every trembling soul take courage. Whosoever will, may take hold of God's strength, and make peace with Him, and He will make peace.’ (MH89-90)
'The closer you come to Jesus, the more faulty you will appear in your own eyes; for your vision will be clearer, and your imperfections will be seen in broad and distinct contrast to His perfect nature. This is evidence that Satan's delusions have lost their power; that the life-giving influence of the Spirit of God is arousing you.' (SC64,65)
'Solomon was never so rich or so wise or so truly great as when he confessed to the Lord: "I am but a little child: I know not how to go out or come in." ' (9T281)
'Angels of glory, that do always behold the face of the Father in heaven, joy in ministering to His little ones. Trembling souls, who have many objectionable traits of character, are their special charge.' (DA440)
'However imperfect and sinful we may be, the Lord holds out to us the offer of partnership with Himself, of apprenticeship to Christ. He invites us to come under the divine instruction, that, uniting with Christ, we may work the works of God.' (DA297)
'A holy temper, a Christlike life, is accessible to every repenting, believing child of God.' (DA311)
'Do not be anxious about anything. He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.' (Phil 4:6; 1:6; 4:19)
'The LORD upholds all who fall, and raises up all those who are bowed down.' (Psalm 145:14)
'Many do not pray. They feel under condemnation for sin, and they think they must not come to God until they have done something to merit His favor or until God has forgotten about their transgressions. They say, "I cannot hold up holy hands before God without wrath or doubting, and therefore I cannot come." So they remain away from Christ, and are committing sin all the time in so doing, for without Him you can do nothing but evil.' Just as soon as you commit sin, you should flee to the throne of grace, and tell Jesus all about it. You should be filled with sorrow for sin, because through sin you have weakened your own spirituality, grieved the heavenly angels, and wounded and bruised the loving heart of your Redeemer. When you have asked Jesus in contrition of soul for His forgiveness, believe that He has forgiven you. Do not doubt His divine mercy or refuse the comfort of His infinite love.' (3SM196)
"The conditions of obtaining mercy of God are simple and just and reasonable. The Lord does not require us to do some grievous thing in order that we may have the forgiveness of sin. We need not make long and wearisome pilgrimages or perform painful penances, to commend our souls to the God of heaven or to expiate our transgression; but he that confesseth and forsaketh his sin shall have mercy. This is a precious promise, given to fallen man to encourage him to trust in the God of love and to seek for eternal life in His kingdom." (5T635.2)